Luma in Motion

Luma in Motion

“Luma in Motion“ is an interactive digital installation.

Imagine being able to touch and rearrange the most influential paintings in history. By merging art from local museum collections or work by local artists with architectural mapping, you become an active and interactive participant.

Through motion, the audience liquifies the paint. The audience thus becomes the old master’s brush.  This creates an artistic dialogue between the participant and the artwork, revealing the piece to the viewer in a new and engaging way.

Mr.Beam Studio

Mr.Beam Studio is a collective of multidisciplinary artists. The shared passion for digital art, projection mapping, motion design, music and storytelling results in unique, touching experiences.

Visiting hours

Thu, 11.1.2024 — Sun, 21.1.2024

18 pm – 22 pm


Hofkirche St. Leodegar
St. Leodegarstrasse 6, 6006 Luzern


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